back from the brink

Another weekend, another 100 miler in the calendar after the disappointment of the failed GUCR attempt two weeks ago. My cough is still lingering but feels like it's finally shifting and the forecast is for a hot dry day, so I’m feeling confident. Well after all, I *know* I can run 100 miles.  Getting to the start was slightly more stressful that usual: I probably ought to either take Friday afternoons off for races, or be a lot more organised in the week beforehand - rather than trying to find, pack and arrange everything into drop bags, run bag and finish bag in under 45 minutes. Check online and trains showing as on time.... so I grab a coffee passing through Croydon, grab a sausage roll in Clapham... then hear the announcement over the tannoy that there are severe delays of up to 45 minutes expected. Uh oh, I'm not going to make evening registration, not a huge issue since I can just sign on in the morning, but I'd wanted to be ready to go from waking up. T...