Tracking running Part #2

Part deux tracker blog posting... If you're just interested in running and not technology, this is probably not that interesting for you so head over to the run post instead... ( link ) If you are just interested in technology, this is the post for you! If you're interested in both, probably wander off and read that one first, then come back here. 😁 After several improvements and reworks from the first build of the tracking website ( described over here ) I was happy with my tracking website now, and it had worked well on the race day... The site can follow several trackers, supports several different types (mine, tk102, tk104, lk109, orux map), can show the track taken for each, overlay a "course" show the elevation profile with aid stations along the way, highlight the viewers location... (ok it is possible I may have over-engineered it since it's just a personal site) S o decided it was time to stop adding bells and whistles and should return to the idea of b...