A lot went wrong.

Firstly some backlog/admin to write up. After the injury in August 2022* it's been a long slow road to recovery and all of the years races were in doubt, but after cautious exercises and stretching and much frustration I still attempted the Crawley 24 in mid April following my good run last year, I'd had high hopes to be able to have a good training block coming into this and had set myself a goal.... however, with the injury I kept the goal but added a couple of fallback goals, although I still had in the back of my mind I might not be able to run the 24 hours if my ankle flared up. Goal A was 220km+ (i.e. a Spartathlon auto-qualify time - just to mentally have that although I do have a place this year), Goal B was to top 200km, and Goal C was at least cover the same distance as last year (191km). *Although I realise I haven't written about the injury here or anywhere - in brief, at the end of August I was out run/hiking in the Chilterns, I jumped down off a stile, landed ...