
Kitted out ultra-runner

A bit about me
I suppose I call myself a runner. I used to call myself a cyclist, then a triathlete, but recently it's been mainly running. I'm not the best there is, I don't win races, but I do OK - I managed a 2:57 marathon PB in 2017. Twice. Two weeks apart.
Sometime I should write a little about the triathlons I've taken part in, I did quite a few Ironman races too, but could never get good enough at the swimming bit.
I started running some time in 2008 after I noticed, at work, that I was getting a little fat around the middle, so I started doing short lunchtime runs at work and cycling to work from the station. Initially a two mile run was my limit and I thought that was a long way. I heard about the JPMorgan challenge (5.6k) and that was my introduction to racing, after that I challenged myself to a Half Marathon (2009 Royal Parks) - at mile 11 I swore I would never run again, then by Monday felt the draw of the marathon and entered the following year's Brighton Marathon. After that it just got out of hand.

Latest blog posts can be seen here: Latest

Collected race reports grouped and linked below, highlighted by completed✊ or failed.☠

Centurion races
I love the Centurion races they're brilliantly organised and run, I've done quite a few more than listed here - I think most others are mentioned in the first NDW post, but the ones I've written properly about are here:
TP100 - 2018 ✊
SDW100 - 2018 ✊
NDW100 -2020☠ 2017 ✊
A100 - 2018 ☠ : 2017 ☠
POSFR - 2019 ✊
WW50 - 2021

Other stuff
Again I've done a few more than those here, quite a few marathons and other trail races, but these are the ones I've written about. Perhaps I should write a results page or something for the others?

Spartathlon - 2023
Extreme Energy "Humanity Direct" Tring Ultra - 2019 ✊
Ridgeway Challenge - 2019 ☠
Crawley 24hr - 2023✊ 2021✊ 2019
Gloucester 24hr - 2021
Country to capital - 2022 ✊ 2020 ✊ 2019 ✊
Piglet plod - 2017 ✊
Mince Pi run - 2018 ✊
GUCR - 2023✊ 2022 ☠ 2018 ☠
London Marathon - 2018 ✊

Tech talk
Lots of posts about my GPS tracker:
Tracker1, Tracker2, Tracker3Glucose monitoringWater monitor, VO2 max measurement

Random musings
Then some random rambling on about running equipment, a bit about wildlife.

The accident
The drugs work

In 2018, I had a serious accident riding home from work one day. I wrote about it here first. I found that the writing about how I felt and how I was coping helped me immensely. So there were a series of updates:  AugustNovemberMarch and July


It's taken me just over a year, two, three years... to come back from that, some days I feel I'm done with it, then occasionally, not.

2020 is going to be my second Centurion 100 grand slam attempt (all 4 100 mile races), then, we'll see.

The 2020 goals didn't happen, global pandemic and all that, so I'm coming up with some new goals
Todo. must update with 2025 goals... 🙄

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